Sunday, July 27, 2014

I've decided

To ask about discontinuing the steroids and demand an evaluation of my side effects.

The excuse I was given for the steroids was to mitigate the pain away long enough to give the newer drugs I am on time to work.

The steroids have messed with me so bad both physically and stigma wise, that I have gained all of the weight back that I have lost.  I have tried repeatedly to wrap my mind around proper eating patterns with this drug, but nothing is working. I'd rather have the pain back (if there is any to come back) and let the other RA drugs stand on their own merit.

Meanwhile, another thing that is probably not helping my eating habits any - my near constant diarrhea. It's happening 90% of the time now, and it leaves me feeling weak. I NEVER had it this bad before I started this last round of drugs.

My appointment is in the 2nd week of August. I shall do my best to keep it together.

The fight continues,
RAmbling Girl

Tuesday, July 22, 2014


There is a picture on my desk at my job. It is of me at a murder mystery dinner theatre show. It is a time where I was happy.

It has been a long time since I blogged here. In short, the reason why is because of illness, day job, switching drugs, and idiotic online pharmacies who wouldn’t know their way around paperwork if it came up and bit them.

Let me make something clear: I am no warrior. I am just a woman who is dealing with rheumatoid disease, the pain, the meds, and the side effects from the meds.

Ah yes, the lovely side effects: weight gain, recurring illness, breathing issues, diarrhea, loss of energy.

It makes finding more to live for in life kind of a drag, really.

Don’t get me wrong, I went into this thinking I would find a regiment that would keep the RA under control. It seems easy enough – I mean thanks to an eye doctor I have a regiment that is so far keeping my eyes in check and hopefully away from recurring eye infections.

It has been a little over two years now, and not much progress. The new drug I recently started I have not even been monitored on yet due to illness, and I have been on this drug now for four months.

This post needed to come out, because it was hurting me keeping it in.

I’ll keep on of course, because what else is there? Meanwhile I think I will go have a good cry and break something, because it has been a long time since I have been happy. Hope? Don’t even get me started.

RAmbling Girl